March and April, 2024

Dear Fellow Laborer in The Lord,

What a privilege to write and share what the Lord has done in the past two months. We are thrilled to let you know we are at 82% of our support! The time is getting closer to our departure to Mexico! We are humbled to see how the Lord has supplied our needs. We can not wait till the day comes when we travel down to Mexico permanently to do what He has called us to do! We are grateful for the friends we have made along this deputation road. Our target date is mid-September for Monterrey. We have meetings scheduled until then.

We have seen the Lord move tremendously on our deputation! At a missions conference, a young mother approached me and told me that her eight-year-old son said that, after hearing my testimony, he wanted to be a missionary. He said to his mother and father that he went to the altar that night and gave his life to God for His use! What a humbling thing to hear, that we could be used to see a young man catch the vision of missions. I would also like to share with you two young people who came to the Lord when we were at a missions conference in March. Their pictures are added here. I am grateful to the Lord for allowing us to see fruit presently. We know we are not the only ones who presented the Gospel to them. This is the work of God's people that invest and do God’s work. Paul makes this clear in 1 Corinthians 3:6! The young lady received Christ after hearing my testimony and how I was playing as a Christian but knowing I was not saved. This young man accepted Christ after hearing a message I preached on the “Perspective of Mission through the eyes of Hell” out of Luke 16. The Lord has been so good to us! Seeing souls saved is a motivation to continue for the Cause of Christ! That is why He came, for Souls!

Story from Deputation:

I would want to share another big blessing with you! We have been on the road for more than nineteen months. Our cars have been through the wringer with the miles driven. We are grateful that the Lord has watched over us and the cars. We have not had significant issues with our vehicles. One night after a church service, we accidentally ran over some metal in a parking lot, flatting our tire badly. We had to have AAA come out and fix it for us. We needed a tire shop, but everything was closed, and we still had to drive an hour and a half back to where we would stay. We got a newer used tire the next day after diving on a donut for the night. The mechanic told us that we needed new tires ASAP. We had to wait until we could be in one town for more than a day or service to change these tires. We arrived at a conference about a week later. We had a few days off after the conference. We had planned to get the tires changed on those days off. We looked at the tires' pricing one day and had another flat that night. We knew it was the Lord showing us to get the tires changed. He was definitely making it evident for us! :) The next morning, a brother from our stay told us there was no way to fix the flat. We needed to get the donut on again to get my tires changed. We got to the place to change the tires, and they told us it would be about a four-hour wait. We had no option. We said sign me up, and we would wait at Burger King so the girls could play. Before we even walked out of the store, I received a text that our tires were actively getting changed. It might be a glitch in the system; it had only been a few minutes since we left the vehicle. We got to Burger King after a short walk. We ordered our food and settled in for a wait. The girls got done eating and started to play on the playset. After a few moments of waiting, I received a call from a pastor. He told me he heard through the grapevine that we needed new tires. I told him that we were currently getting the tires fixed at that very moment. He said the Lord placed it on his heart to help us and pay to change our tires. After I ended that phone call, I received a text from the tire place that our vehicle was done. It took about forty-five minutes after being told it would take four hours. I am very grateful because the Lord showed me something that day. It is humbling to see the Lord come through like this.  I know I need to trust in Him, and He has everything prepared, but sometimes, it is hard to see when that is right in front of you. I wanted to share this with you because I just wanted to brag about My God; He is the One I serve! 

I hope and pray this letter was helpful and encouraging to you! God has His plan, and it is at His timing. We are grateful for your prayers and financial support. We pray for you as our Partners in the Lord! May we stay faithful to the service of the Lord till He comes back!

Your Fellow Laborer in The Lord,

Gavino Hernandez



May and June 2024


January- February, 2024