May and June 2024

Dear Fellow Laborer in The Lord,

We are excited and humbled to be able to write to you and let you know that we are closing near the end of our deputation. The Lord has provided for us along the road, and we have learned to depend on Him more. We currently sit at 92% of our needed support as of this writing. We only need about six more churches to take us on for us to be at 100%. We ask that you help us pray for that to be fulfilled by our departure. We have already moved forward on getting things ready for our move to Mexico. I have gone down and looked at properties in Monterrey to see if it is better to purchase or rent. I have been able to find a cross-border mortgage company in the States that can assist us in purchasing a home in Mexico. I believe that it is wise for us to put forth our finances towards an asset instead of putting it towards rent. The Lord has provided a few areas that are safe and at a good price in Monterrey. We ask that you help us pray as we move forward to see if we are able to purchase the house in mind at a better cost. We are so humbled that the Lord has put pieces together for us to be able to get to the field and hit the ground running. Our last Sunday at our church is scheduled to be September 15, and where we will celebrate our departure with our church family. We will be packing for the next couple of months, and Lord will be willing to depart between the 17th and 18th of September. I am grateful that we are able to set a concrete date for us to move to Mexico. I ask for prayer for wisdom as we push forward on this next big step of ending deputation and moving to Mexico. We will be doing our exit interview with BIMI on August 28, during which we will fill out our paperwork to depart to the field. We have also let BIMI know to initiate our startup fund, if you would like to donate towards that, we asked that you please send the donations to BIMI to help pay for moving costs, the down payment on the house, and other extra expenses for our move. We are so grateful to have partners in the Lord that have invested in the ministry that the Lord has called us to.

I would like to share a couple of blessings with you that have happened this past few months. We have worked in a few VBSs where we have seen 12 children come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. We are very grateful and humbled that the Lord would allow us to be used to share the gospel with these children and see them get saved. As partners through prayer, you also have a part in the fruit of seeing these children get saved. My wife and I have talked previously and given glory to God that in all of our letters except for one, we have seen the fruit of someone coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior on the deputation road. We praise the Lord for the lives that have surrendered to full-time ministry after sharing our calling. We are very humbled and grateful to see how the Lord has worked through us as we serve Him. We ask that you please continue to pray for our family as we move forward on getting to the field. We are grateful for you and your investment, whether through prayer, letters of encouragement, or financial support, in our ministry. We will be sending out an update letter before our departure to Mexico to let you know how the Lord is working. Thank you so much for the love and prayers as we move forward. Let us stay faithful until the Lord Jesus Christ comes for us!

Your Partner in the Lord,

Gavino Hernandez

Isa. 6:8


July & August, 2024


March and April, 2024