January- February, 2024

Dear Fellow Laborer in The Lord,

We are very excited to be writing you to present what the Lord has been doing in the ministry to where He has called us! I can't help but be reminded of the verse that confirmed my surrender to preach the gospel. That verse is Acts 16:9 Come over… and help us! The closer we get to the field, the more excited we are about seeing what the Lord will do. As of this writing, we have been in ninetynine churches and are excited to reach the one-hundred mark. We are currently at seventy-six percent of our needed support. We have received great news that more churches have taken us on for financial support. We are excited that the Lord continues to give us partners along our deputation road. We are truly humbled to see the Lord supplying our needs to get to the field.

I would like to share a few things with you as a prayer request, as we are now on this downhill slope of deputation. In our previous prayer letter, I mentioned that while we were down in Mexico for Christmas, we started looking for a home to rent or buy to live in. We returned in January and talked to our pastor and leadership for wisdom and counsel. We would like to share this with you to help us pray for the Lord's guidance on this matter. Monterrey is the heart of the industry in Mexico, so the business class has (because of demand) raised the cost of living of the middle class. This has pushed us to the point of having to extend our deputation by a few months to raise the finances needed to be in a safe, secure location. We are doing this because I would like to have better control over my family’s safety. We know that the protection comes from the Lord and is in His hand. I still want to be prudent in the responsibility for my family's security. Our target date was June or July of this year; realistically, we will have to push our target date to around the beginning of September. We ask you to help us pray because we want to be good stewards of what the Lord has given us. For our family, buying will be more cost-effective than renting, but renting is the most logical thing to start with. We ask that you help us pray as we seek God’s face through this. We are very grateful for your prayers and financial support as we partner together in the work of the Lord!

Your Fellow Laborer in The Lord,

Gavino Hernandez



March and April, 2024


November- December, 202