January- February 2023

Dear Fellow Laborer in Christ,

We are excited to write to you as we reach our six-month deputation mark! The Lord has truly blessed us beyond measure. We are joyful to announce we are currently at 21% of needed support as of this writing. We still have some churches that are in the process of voting and getting back to us. Time has flown by since we started. We have driven over sixteen thousand miles, been in twelve states, and presented in thirty-three churches. The Lord has protected us in the air and on the road!

Seeing the reaction of God’s people as we present our ministry has been a blessing. People have approached me to tell me they have surrendered to the ministry. I am encouraged to know that the Lord is still calling laborers, and people are responding! I am also grateful to hear that young souls are getting saved after asking their parents questions after hearing my testimony! My heart desires to be a vessel in God's hand in any way possible.

I would like to share a story of tremendous joy for us, as you are partakers too. We went to present at a church in Ohio for their Mission's Emphasis Sunday! We presented our burden and video to the main church. We had encouraging compliments after that Sunday School. We headed to attend the Jr Church and gave our burden, video, and lesson there. I taught in Luke 19:10, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” I explained how Jesus came with the focus to seek the lost, which was everyone in the world. I presented it as a simple Gospel presentation. I also paralleled it to our ministry. My job is to seek lost people and to tell them that Jesus came to save them from their sins! As I entered the invitation, I opened it up to ask if someone needed to be saved. If so, Jesus came to seek and save them. I mentioned if they were serious about getting saved, to stay back as the others went to do another activity. There was one child named Andrew that stayed back. He realized that Jesus had come for him, and he wanted to get saved! The Jr Church teacher sat down and took him through the rest. As he got done praying, Andrew ran over to me and said he got saved!

PRAISE THE LORD, ONE MORE SOUL SAVED FROM HELL! I felt tremendous joy seeing this young boy's reaction to Jesus Christ!

I pray that this letter was a blessing to you! Please pray for us as we continue to raise support! I also ask you to pray for Andrew as he grows in the Lord! Please pray that we will continue to be an effective vessel in the hands of our God!

This is ANDREW! Please Pray For Him!!

YOUR PARTNER IN THE LORD,                              

Gavino Hernandez

Isa. 6:8


March- April 2023


October- December 2022