October- December 2022

Dear Fellow Laborer in Christ,

We are very excited and blessed to write to you about what the Lord has done in the past few months! We are grateful for the prayers and encouragement of God’s people.

Since the last time I wrote, I went down to help Tri-city Baptist Church with its hurricane relief. Praise the Lord; We drove down safely and took supplies from our church to theirs! Upon arrival, we headed out to a Spanish community, passed out supplies, and preached the gospel. We were able to preach the gospel several times during our stay there!

We have been to twenty churches in eight states, driven over eight thousand miles, and flown to Florida and Arizona! We have tremendously enjoyed our journey as we do deputation!

I would like to share with you a blessing from one of our meetings. We were at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Kingsport, TN, for their missions conference. There was a young man named Jesse that had attended the service before the Conference. After the meeting, we shook hands as people left the church. Jesse approached me about liking our presentation. I thanked him for the compliment and said Praise the Lord! He told me that he had grown up close to the church and had issues with alcoholism and asked me to pray for him. I told him I would. Then I followed up and asked if he had ever gotten saved before. He said I tried a couple of times. I return the question, Can I show you? Jesse and I were able to sit in a pew and go through the simplicity of the Gospel. He cried and was under conviction. Jesse prayed in his own words to ask God to forgive him of his sins! Jesse got Saved that night! Please continue to pray for Jesse as he grows in the Lord!

We have had some crazy things happen while on the road. We have seen accidents and dangerous weather. We praise the Lord because He has kept us safe. We were coming back from a missions conference on our way to the airport. We had slid on ice on an overpass. The next overpass we came up to, a semi had just lost control and flipped. We arrived seconds after it happened. The driver was trapped but not injured. I was able to crack the windshield with my pocket knife. Someone found a hammer, and another man and I busted the windshield to get the driver out. We are grateful for His protection!

We currently are at a support level of six percent! We are getting there, and the Lord has been providing for us! We are thankful for your prayers for us as we continue deputation! We pray that you have a Merry Christmas and a great start to the new year! We hope we have been able to be an encouragement to you through this letter!


Gavino Hernandez

Isa. 6:8


January- February 2023


September 2022