March- April 2023

Dear Fellow Laborer in Christ,

As I write to you and reflect, the Lord has truly blessed us beyond measure! We pray that this letter finds you in a state of reflection of God's blessings. We are so grateful to announce that we are currently at 33% of needed support as of this writing. We still have some churches that are in the process of voting. We have driven over twenty thousand miles, been in nineteen states, and presented in fifty- one churches. The Lord has kept His hand on us in the air and on the road!

These months have been busy on the road. We started March in Michigan for a church’s first Missions Conference. After being with three other churches in three states, we parked our car in St. Louis and flew to Florida. We were scheduled to be in Florida for a five-church round-robin. When I went down to Florida for the hurricane relief in October, I got several invitations to visit churches after the round-robin. We stayed in Florida for thirty-eight days with my Pastor’s brother Jay Sheppard. Being in one spot for this length of time gave us a bit of stability and was truly a blessing to return to a bit of normality. I had the privilege to present in sixteen churches in Florida at this time.

I was privileged to give a Gospel presentation in Spanish, at one church, during the invitation. There was a girl named Alma there visiting family from Mexico. She only speaks Spanish. She fell under conviction and, after arriving home, asked her family member to tell me that she was interested in what I had said. After the next service, I went looking for her. My wife and I were able to talk to her, and by God’s grace, She received Jesus as her Savior! She was excited that we were going to Mexico. She said that her family and people in Mexico need to hear about Salvation!

Pastor Jay asked me for a favor as we wrapped our time in Florida. He has a burden for a migrant camp that is located in front of his house. After the hurricane in September, the Migrants from this camp went to help Pastor Jay and his family evacuate from the second floor of his house. He asked me to help prepare a dinner of appreciation and give a Gospel presentation. We planned and fed one hundred and ten men within forty-eight hours. I gave a general presentation of the Gospel, and five to seven men raised their hand in testimony of salvation! We praise the Lord for giving us various opportunities to see souls saved! I personally don’t ever want to get over the feeling of seeing a soul saved! I pray and desire always to remain addicted to the ministry (1 Corn. 16:15-16). I am humbled beyond measure to be able to be a part of God’s plan for someone else's life! Fellow Laborer, please remain faithful to the Lord and please be a part of seeing lives changed!


Gavino Hernandez

Isa. 6:8


May- June 2023


January- February 2023