September- October, 2023

Dear Fellow Laborer in Christ,

We are so excited to be writing you! We have seen the Lord work in many ways and are beyond grateful for His faithfulness and care. As we press on the road of deputation, we are blessed to see souls saved from the torture and torment of Hell and on their way to Heaven. We are grateful to see the Lord providing our support at a rate that is humbling to think about. We are excited to announce that we have been in eighty-two churches in thirteen months. The Lord has provided sixty-five percent of our support needed to get to the field. We pray that the Lord will provide the needed support so we can get to Monterrey by June or July 2024. Please help us pray for that. We desire to do His will, not our own.

As I mentioned previously, we have been able to see two souls saved in these two months. We were at a Missions Conference in Deleware, where we had the privilege to see Tahria get saved. She had been going to church with her family, who had been working with her on salvation. Praise the Lord that we could make it straightforward for her to understand and accept Jesus as Saviour! We also had the privilege to present and preach at Berea Baptist Church in Kenton, Ohio. There, I was able to do a bilingual service where I bounced back and forth between English and Spanish. It was fun because I had to keep my thoughts in order, not just in one language but two. To be honest with you, it was a doozy but fun! I am glad God gave me grace and that He guided my words. A young boy was intrigued not because of the two languages coming out simultaneously from my mouth but because God was dealing with his soul. He asked his dad to pray with him at the end of the message. They went downstairs to get away from everyone, and this young boy asked Jesus to save him! The more souls we see getting saved, the more excited we are to see what the Lord has in store for us once we get to Monterrey, Mexico.

On September third, we were able to celebrate Naya’s birthday. We are thankful the Lord gave her a year more of life! She is now eight and is growing up so quickly before our eyes. I am so grateful to be her dad and see her heart and how Naya loves serving God. We went down to Mexico for a few days as a surprise for her birthday!! The girls were able to spend time with Bello and Bella (grandma and grandpa) in Mexico as Mariana and I continued to travel in Texas. I also took her out to eat in Mexico for her birthday! God has been so good to us, and such a good God humbles us to be thankful. We are truly grateful for your faithful prayers and financial support as we move forward for Him!

Naya Turning 8 Tahria and my wife Young boy and father


Gavino Hernandez

Isa. 6:8


November- December, 202


July- August, 2023