July- August, 2023

Dear Fellow Laborer in Christ,

As we look back and near our first anniversary of deputation, we can see how the Lord has taken us here. We are excited and humbled to see what this past year has brought. We have officially passed the fifty percent mark and are at fifty-two percent. More churches have taken us on in the past few weeks and will start sending in their support soon. Lord willing, this percentage will increase by a few more points in the next few weeks! We have been in twenty- two states and seventy-two churches of this writing. Our calendar, Praise the Lord, has been booked almost solid for the rest of deputation. We are now trying to fill in a few holes with our friends list. We praise the Lord because His mercies have endured and will endure forever according to His promises!

This past month, we are grateful to see a young girl get saved at a church we visited. Her father had passed away not too long ago, and her grandparents had started taking her to church. The Pastor and the family had been praying for this young girl's salvation. During our time with the Jr Church, I presented the Gospel and our ministry. This young girl raised her hand for salvation. We notified the pastor’s wife, who sat with her one-on-one. Little Savannah received Jesus Christ as Her Lord and Savior that day! We praise the Lord that He is not done saving souls from a place called Hell! His mercies truly do continue to endure.

This past July, BIMI released the second issue of their yearly magazine. I had the privilege to write an article in this issue. The article is entitled “From Disaster To Deliverance”. We have been so blessed to see and share what the Lord is doing in what He has called us to do. One thing is certain: I do not have to wait until we get to Mexico to do His work. The time is ticking, and the night is coming; we need to remain active where we are now. God has us here “for such a time as this.” What eternal fruit are we producing for Him? If you want to read this article, please visit our website, www.seedingmexico.com. It is on the home page. Also, in July, we were able and privileged to celebrate Alya’s sixth birthday! We are so grateful to see her growing up and enjoying servicing the Lord. She loves meeting new people and sharing that she is a missionary going to Mexico. She always asks when we are going to another church. She says that she likes it because she gets to make new friends.

As we press on with deputation, we are so grateful for the prayers and notes from fellow laborers. This is truly an encouragement for myself and my family. We are grateful and blessed for the partners (prayer warriors and financial supporters) that God has lined up for us. We are humbled to serve the Lord and to be called into His harvest!

The BIMI Magazine Article. Alya Eating Birthday Ice Cream


Gavino Hernandez

Isa. 6:8


September- October, 2023


May- June 2023